Charmed 3.20 'Exit Strategy'

This episode introduces one of the powers that will become far too overused in the later years: Piper’s 'Exploding' Power. It also marks a major change in Cole and Phoebe’s relationship.

Synopsis: Cole’s mentor plans to destroy his love for Phoebe in order to bring back his demonic nature.

‘Exit Strategy’ is an episode that really made Cole the amazing character that he is. Finally discovering why he followed the Triad’s orders to kill the Charmed Ones, to get his father’s soul back, really shows just how prominent his human half was, even before he met Phoebe.

It also shows just how powerful his love for her really is, without it he was easily swayed back to the other side. The amulet story was really unimportant here. It’s the Phoebe and Cole story that’s this hour’s main focus.

Obviously Phoebe had to believe Cole was evil. Her throwing the binding potion on the ground is one part of the episode that really got me. She had her trust broken so easily by someone she thought loved her. Imagine thinking that you’ve changed somebody that much only to see them revert back to their old ways just like that.

Piper’s molecular combustion power was great fun at first, but after a while I realised that it was one of the worst things that Charmed could have done, now that Piper can blow most demons up without even trying. Piper immediately became extremely powerful, making things far too easy for them as soon as she got control of it.

It’s pretty apparent in this episode that Prue had started to fade into the background a little. She always seemed to be part of someone else major story, not her own. Here, it’s Phoebe and Cole’s big drama.


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