Teen Wolf 2.06 Frenemy

Frenemy, another perfect blend of teen and fantasy, was equal parts scary and hilarious. A lot about this show is over the top, and unbelievably far-fetched, but it never shrugs off the big stuff; like the implications helping someone who has been thrust into a situation that’s not entirely their fault, even if they’re a murdering snake outside of daylight hours. It’s things like this that only serve to make Teen Wolf a more hard-hitting drama than it’s perceived to be.

Now that we know Jackson is the one behind the green slime, it instantly raises a number of questions, questions we already kinda asked when Lydia was suspect #1. Is he really to blame for all of this? It’s not Jackson’s fault that he became this creature, even if he chased Derek down to make him wolf. And when Scott under-went his transformation, he only survived and got through it thanks to Stiles, and an unwitting Allison. Jackson doesn’t have any of that; he’s totally alone in all of this. All of that was made even more complicated when we learned that the Kanima doesn’t seek a friend, it seeks a master. Guess that gives us a new suspect list to start.

The usual season 2 plots continue to simmer in the background with Allison’s family increasing their foothold in her life. Not only did Gerard’s paranoia coax him in installing a whole system of cameras in the school, but Allison’s psycho mother is now her substitute teacher; sucks to be you, Allison. But when you’ve got a guy who’s willing to risk everything for you, including giving up being a super-human werewolf, which just so happens to be his one protection, you’ve got to make a few sacrifices, and if that involves being under your family’s constant gaze, so be it.

Elsewhere, the show continues to explore its secondary characters, giving Lydia even more of a chance to shine. She may not be a huge part of the season’s central plot right now, but her scenes are equally as compelling, and probably the reason why she’s become a favourite of mine all of a sudden. I’m not sure what her random new stalker has to do with any of this, though. I seriously doubt that a friend is all he’s after. I’m gonna keep my eye on him.

With hard-hitting emotional revelations, strong action sequences and some pretty decent twists, Frenemy continued the show’s home run, ensuring that the season’s first half has been one of the strongest episodic stretches I’ve ever seen in a show like this.


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