Pretty Little Liars 3.08 Stolen Kisses

Emily aside, Maya was never as big a presence in the lives of our Liars as Ali was. Stolen Kisses was the first episode to really dive in head first into the mystery surrounding her death, and though she lacked a connection with Aria, Hannah and Spencer, a lot was done to negate that by making her death an important event in all of their lives, and opening her up to them in a very personal way.

The reveal of this intimate website is pretty intense. There’s a lot on there that I doubt Maya would want many people watching, particularly anything Emily related. On the other hand, it was the best way of opening her up to Aria, Hannah and Spencer by giving them a window into the girl that they never really knew. It becomes even more of a necessity when Emily realized she didn’t know the love of her life quite as well as she thought she did. Now there’s a second opportunity to find out more.

Hannah’s devotion to keeping Mona around is a little confusing if you don’t take into account the two big motivators she has to keep her in Rosewood. First, Mona is still clammed up, and Hannah can’t risk her being moved to a different institute before she opens up again. Second, and most importantly, Hannah still has a connection with her. It would be easy for the show to shy away from the close friendship her and Hannah used to share, but I love that they haven’t forgotten that they used to be close at one point in the past. I’m not altogether sold on the idea of Hannah and Wren, but it’s nice to see him interacting with someone other than Spencer this season.

Ezra’s B plots continue to take over the show, as we were given some insight into his background. Though Aria’s relationship with him has been a little bit of a bore to watch lately, I like that the show has refocused the story towards his family, rather than Aria’s, who have already come to terms with her relationship with him. It doesn’t necessarily boast anything out of the ordinary, and anyone could have spotted Dianne’s stifled hostility towards Aria, but it afforded Aria the opportunity to see her father’s reasoning, and finally let him back in.

If the show can strengthen its side plots, and continue to expand on its stronger arcs, season 3 can regain that initial focus it began with. That being said, this episode is still a decent effort.


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