Charmed 3.16 'Death Takes A Halliwell'

For me, this is one episode of Charmed that proved just how dark and amazing that it could be, if given the chance. Prue comes across so powerfully here and once again, I really find myself feeling for her.

Synopsis: Prue attempts to fight the Angel of Death, who is after the soul of inspector Davidson. Phoebe attempts to save Cole from demons that are searching for him.

Prue’s confrontation with the Angel of Death is another particular poignant moment in her run on the show. Obviously after seeing her mother at Piper’s wedding, she finds it hard to cope with her loss, bringing up a lot of the pain she felt when she lost her first.

Seeing her deal with something like this, so head on, makes her an even stronger character than before. Death isn’t something that she can be angry at; she has to deal with the fact that it’s a part of life. Weirdly, this lesson acts as a sort of foreshadowing of her death in ‘All Hell Breaks Loose’. She's prepared for it now, it will be easier for her to accept when it comes. Maybe there should have been a lesson like this for Piper to make Prue's death easier?

The seekers were actually two demons that actually freaked me out a bit, especially seeing them float around the place. They had the right level of sinister to make them work, and had a slightly camp side to them that fits in with Charmed brilliantly.

One thing I really enjoyed was Piper and Leo’s first little marital spat. It was a nice little addition to such a dark and serious episode that it’s nice that some characters in the show are happy. Season 3 was my favourite season for the couple.


1 comment:

  1. So sorry to disagree but I don't get this episode. I think Death was brilliantly written and acted but for me it turned into another JAPE (Just Another Prue Episode). I never really liked how they always intimated their mother's death hit her hardest and the other two sailed through their childhood, and this was one example of that. Not one I come back to watch.
