Ringer 1.04 'It's Gonna Kill Me, But I'll Do It'

In order to keep people interested, Ringer has to move at an almost break-neck pace to make sure it keeps its viewers week-to-week. That pace seemed a little forced, especially during the pilot but finally the speed at which the writers want the story to unfold seems a lot more obvious. It still needs a few tweaks though.

Synopsis: On her birthday, Bridget travels to the Hamptons with Andrew, Gemma and Henry. After she over hears Henry and Bridget, Gemma discovers it was Siobhan who was sleeping with her husband. In order to protect Andrew, Bridget decides to come clean. Agent Machado discovers evidence about Bridget and Siobhan's reunion after Bridget's disappearance.

One of the things I love seeing the most is the relationship between Siobhan and Bridget and seeing them exploring it, mostly through flashbacks since there isn’t much room for them to meet face to face yet. This is the first episode I think dealt with their relationship as twin sisters the best, since it had the whole birthday theme. The necklace tells a whole lot about how their relationship changed not just since they were kids, but in the last few months.

Something that struck me while watching this episode is the fact that Bridget thinks that her sister is dead, particularly while watching her read the letter from her sister. If you give it a thought, you can see that Siobhan has almost betrayed her sister almost as much as Bridget has since she obviously cares deeply for her.

Another major aspect of the past three episodes has been Siobhan’s scheming in Paris, which right now indicates some sort of ploy to steal money from Andrew. It got a little tedious in parts, but at least it’s advancing a good bit each week, and it's hard to deny that I'm excited to see where it's going.

I was completely shocked about Bridget’s reveal to Gemma, which frankly came out of nowhere. While on one hand it’s great that the over exposed affair story has started to get somewhat interesting, I’m left wondering where the hell they’ll go with it from here. Gemma is a much more interesting sidekick for Bridget to share her antics with than Malcolm, but I’m just not sure how they could make her buying Bridget’s story totally plausible.

A lot about this series is totally ridiculous, and one thing I wanted the series to do was to embrace that a lot more, and it seems like it has started to do that, albeit in a subtle way. It seems like the writers are having more fun with everything, and that means great things for us as viewers too.


1 comment:

  1. I agree that this was the first one to explore the sisterly angle, and I did kind of like that part of the story. But, then again, I felt that their individual reactions to the necklace folded into my opinion that both Bridget and Siobhan are too similar right now. They both reacted the same way, and I had hoped older Siobhan would be a lot colder about the necklace than she actually was.

    I'm also gonna speculate that Gemma will meet her end sometime in the next couple of weeks. I can't see the show getting a whole lot of mileage out of her now that she knows the secret, and Tara Summers is only a guest star. I can see her killing herself maybe, since her whole world is falling apart.

    Great review, by the way.
