Ringer 1.09 'Shut Up and Eat Your Bologna'

There’s a definite sense of things starting to come together with ‘Ringer’, if only due to the various story arcs colliding during this episode. What’s still unclear are the motives of those involved, which are still pretty hazy, though I assume things will start to make a lot more sense soon enough.

In ‘Shut Up and Eat Your Bologna’ Malcolm becomes suspicious of Charlie. Bridget decides to start figuring out who is after her sister, and visits Siobhan’s therapist to figure out why she was prescribed anti-depressants.

A lot of what happened up to this point seems to be coming to a head, and there’s a strong feeling of something big about to reveal itself, no doubt in next week’s winter finale. Bridget’s lack of interest in all of the mysteries in Siobhan’s life was actually becoming more evident so I got a major kick out of her Sydney Bristow-ing her way into the therapist’s office to actually find out what the hell is going on. The fact that she waited so long to actually head out and try to figure out who wants her sister dead is a little strange, but this show is no stranger to odd character execution.

As I said last week, I’m enjoying Malcolm’s presence if only for his involvement in everything that’s been going on the past few episodes. It feels like the story is starting to pick up a lot of speed and progression is finally starting to show itself, since answers have been few and far between lately. I loved the all of the Charlie perpetration, and Bridget and Siobhan’s tag-team efforts; I can see that developing into something exciting next week. Malcom’s near-discovery of Gemma’s capture comes as no surprise, but what is questionable is her expiry date. Once she escapes, it’s only a matter of time before things slowly start to come out to those who have been tricked and I’m assuming that day is still far out.

I never figured that the series would tackle the growing bond between Andrew and Siobhan/Bridget so beautifully. Every week it seems to be the one thing they’ve been getting very right, especially in the last 3 episodes. Not only are their interactions completely different, but the characters themselves are seemingly showing all the signs of a new relationship ‘glow’. They’re both getting so much from what’s starting to happen between them, especially Bridget who feels a lot more loved than she’s ever been.

Obviously, there’s a lot that still needs fixing, but as far as entertaining episodes go, this one did a lot in keeping my interest. I’m still dying for more Siobhan but I’m hoping that her big moment will come at the most opportune time, but until that moment arrives I’m still rather enjoying myself.



  1. Hello! I saw you on PopJustice talking about On Your Radar and you seemed pretty excited. So I figured I could be your english fairy godfather and send you the album. My copy came today (five days early!).

    So yeah, I don't know how you'll give me your e-mail but mine is Charlie.dowd@hotmail.co.uk.

  2. Thought I'd comment more over here...

    Great review, and I was struck by the part about Bridget taking so long to actually investigate her sister. I think that's what's dimming my interest in the show, that feeling that these characters are only doing things as dictated by the writer. Obviously, that's true of everything. But nothing Bridget has done so far feels particularly real or believable. Sometimes you can kind of ignore that (especially on soaps), but the whole tone of Ringer is so straight that glaring moments of absurdity are even more obvious.

    Then again, I'm still kind of absorbed by the stories. Enough at least to hang around until the end of the season. I really hope Gemma comes back permanently, though. I've missed her these last couple of weeks and it'd be a huge missed opportunity if she's killed next week or leaves the city.

    Great writing, as usual, Panda.

  3. Charlie: Hi there! I actually got it myself, but I really appreciate the offer =)

    maxpower03: I think that the writers are still absorbed by all of the twists they have planned that they've almost forgotten about making their characters believable. But we know they can do them justice, last weeks episode proved that. Thanks for reading, as usual.
