Once Upon a Time 1.18 'The Stable Boy'

This was arguably the most important episode of the show thus far, divulging pivotal history that essentially fuels the show’s main premise. Without a strong justification, at least in part, for Regina’s actions the series would have fallen apart. It’s wonderful to be able to say that ‘The Stable Boy’ was exactly the right episode to accomplish something so important, and given to us at the most advantageous time.

In ‘The Stable Boy’ the reason for Regina’s hatred of Snow White is revealed, as well as her turbulent relationship with her mother, Cora (Barbara Hershey). Emma tries to prove Mary Margaret’s innocence by attempting to unearth evidence of Regina’s involvement in Kathryn’s death.

Among other things, 'The Stable Boy' was the most valuable insight into Regina’s persona since ‘The Thing You Love Most’. If you read my last review, you’ll know that one of the things lacking on her part is a bit of depth and divergence from her standard stone cold front. Of course, her meddling and eventual betrayal of Snow is unforgivable, but just as her Storybrooke identity hit a spiteful high it was unsetting to see her as the polar opposite; young and love-stricken. Major Kudos to Lana Parilla for transforming from a devastated girl, to a malevolent, vengeful woman here.

As the main crutch for supporting Regina’s crusade against Snow, the truth behind her hatred is a little flimsy when it’s looked at outside of her familial context (a theme I’ve discussed as recently as last week). Snow’s small deception is understandable, clearly she wanted nothing more than to protect her new friend from suffering the same loss she did, but it was this one thing that Snow didn’t want Regina to lose that  hurt her the most. Parental discord and abuse can hurt even the toughest of souls, and it seems that Regina’s destructive behavior stems from her mother’s crude morals and from a loss that a lot of our other characters have suffered themselves, though not at someone else’s unwitting hand.

Just as Once Upon a Time’s biggest mystery came together, the present day plot finally reached a climax, with Mary Margaret and Regina coming to blows. That scene, you all know which one I’m talking about, was the most striking in terms of contrasting Regina and Snow’s opposing personalities. Snow’s weakness and helplessness wasn’t enough to stir Regina’s inner hatred towards her, who only saw the fruition of an endless struggle to avenge her lover’s death. It was just the moment that this story was waiting for, and since the plot has finally reached its end, Kathryn’s return arrived precisely on cue to turn the story around.

Similarly, it appears that other stories are continuing to throttle forward. Emma’s intelligence level has been a little worrying of late, but opening up to the truth staring her in the face has gotten her to the position she so desperately needs to be for the season’s climax. With Sidney’s deception, Regina’s meddling and Kathryn’s true fate now revealed, she can make the leap of faith Henry so desperately needs her to make. It might not happen for another few episodes, but it’s coming, and that’s an exciting prospect.


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