Ugly Betty 1.14 'I'm Coming Out'

Considering the identity of this woman wasn’t news to the viewers, Alexis’s “coming out” was one of the show’s most mind-smacking moments. Everyone had a part to play, even characters whose roles were minuscule in comparison with the rest of the cast, and the show builds it up with some great drama and hysteria along the way.

Betty tries her best to impress during fashion week in ‘I’m Coming Out’. Despite some misgivings, Betty agrees to give Hilda a job at Mode, but their sibling wars get in the way. Meanwhile, Alexis attempts to position herself at Mode to reveal her true identity to the world.

Now that it’s out there, you can just tell that the fall-out will be huge. It’s great that they gave us Daniel’s reaction separate from everyone else’s, especially considering how important his own would be. As a primary cast member, we feel and suffer along with him, even if he’s not the most appealing in a cast of otherwise incredibly captivating individuals. The little hints Alexis dropped in were both hilarious and disturbing, though not as off-putting as Danny hitting on his own sister (brother?).

Christina’s betrayal is hard to digest, but her reaction to Bradford’s arrest signifies her own distaste for her actions, now that she saw the results of her inclusion in Willy’s meddling. Despite Betty’s strong morals, it’s Christina that allows her to stay on that path of “righteousness”, and seeing Christina make her own slip-up here helps further her as a character in her own right, not just a shoulder to cry on.

Regardless of the importance of everything else that’s taking place during this episode, the sibling rivalry between Hilda and Betty is just as engrossing. Here, Betty struggles to stay out of her sister’s shadow. This new gig as a high flying assistant is the one thing Betty can hold over her sister who always got everything growing up, and here she is fitting in better than Betty ever could, even going so far as to make-out with her boss (I wonder why that didn’t go anywhere?!). It may seem selfish and uncharacteristic of Betty to want this all to herself, but she’s worked so hard for it, and Hilda needs to find her own dreams. The show struggles to understand the role of the Suarez family in future weeks, but when they’re used to help further along Betty’s developments elsewhere, they become an important element of the series.

There’s a lot of fun to be had in ‘I’m Coming Out’ which takes time out of a shocking moment of reveal to have fun with its characters in each of their own ways. The episode constantly trundles its way into craziness with one ridiculous moment (Willy’s funeral veil) after another (Marc’s faux straight voice), and it’s still 100% amazing, making it one of the show’s finest moments.


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