Pretty Little Liars 3.03 Kingdom of the Blind

It’s almost become a regularity to finish every episode of Pretty Little Liars with a monster headache. There’s always so much going on, the tangled web of lies and deceit growing messier with every untruth that’s spoken, and every mistake that’s covered up. It’s an ailment that’s become tolerable, since it’s this battiness that keeps me so invested in these girls’ lives. Kingdom of the Blind was a testament to that fact, and was full of so many head-spinning story distortions you’d almost need a vacation to get over the stress of it all.

First off, do we believe that Jenna hiding her regained sight is all in the interest of safety, and not to get back at the girls? Honestly, it was one of the first instances where I believed that she might actually be telling the truth, or at least some form of truth anyway. Somebody did try to burn her alive after all, she’d be crazy not to take precautions against another attack like that. I liked that the girls had to give her this one; it is their fault she ever lost her sight in the first place, though I did love the look on Jenna’s face when Hanna caught her out. Hopefully Jenna gets a much bigger role this season; all of her scenes are dripping with such a raw emotional intensity, whether it’s hatred or otherwise.

Spencer’s family troubles were a trademark of season 2’s latter half, and it looks like they’ll continue well on into this season as well. It was nice of The Vampire Diaries producers to give Torrey the time off to return to Rosewood, too. As far as background nemeses go, Melissa Hastings has been of the most appealing in terms of hidden secrets and manipulation. Why fake her pregnancy? Was she just too afraid to tell her family, or was there a darker reason behind it? This show being what it is, and Melissa being as secretive as she is, I doubt the explanation paints her as completely innocent.

Emily’s transformation into the bad-ass of the group is unfolding nicely so far. She states at one point during this episode that she’s way beyond the point of fear. It’s that anger that could prove useful now that the new A has shown a greater taste for the deadly in comparison with Mona’s rather tame doll games. Even underneath all this anger, she’s still the same honest and good person she always was. Even though she could have easily gotten off scot free, she went back to Ella about her misread paper anyway. It also says a lot about Ella that she’d take the fall for helping Emily out, and that Ezra would risk his own neck for her, too. Maybe these girls have more friends than enemies after all.

Mona’s decent into madness took a great turn here. Is she really faking it? That freak-out in front of Caleb was a little too real to be considered acting. She could be aware of how good she has things in the sanatorium rather than juvy, but she’s still totally messed up in the head to be able to play the girls as much as she did. I’d like to see these theories explored further.

Season three’s hot-streak has survived the three episode test, hopefully it can hold up strong, at least for a while, ‘cause I’m enjoying the heck out it so far.


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