Charmed 2.03 'The Painted World'

After a powerful second episode, this hour saw a return to the Charmed Ones normal lives, or at least as normal as their lives can get. Though nothing too ambitious took place, it was a solid episode.

Synopsis: Prue becomes trapped in a painting with a man claiming to have been cursed into it 60 years ago. Phoebe, after wrecking Prue’s car, casts a smart spell to get a job to pay for the damages.

Phoebe’s desire to get a job to help Prue here makes me really feel for her. It must be really hard living with someone as successful as her, and constantly feel like the screw-up. The smart spell emphasises the fact that what makes Phoebe so great is her street smarts, not her brain. It’s a great way to show just how far Phoebe’s come from where she was at the beginning of the series, showing a desire to change.

Jenny, who we met in the season premiere, makes another annoying, but slightly less os, appearance here mostly to get Piper and Dan together, even though we already had the fact that Piper was having the club re-done.

Standard warlocks are the main protagonists of the episode. I always love twists near the end of an episode, and both warlocks turning on the sisters was one of them. It wasn’t the most shocking, sure, but it was still fun. Trapping the girls into a painting sounds like a rubbish idea, but it actually turned out pretty well all things considered.


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