Charmed 2.07 'They're Everywhere'

This hour manages to turn such a simple premise into a pretty clever one. It also shows what great fun the show had with the Prue/Piper pairing, and manages to weave both ongoing plots together very well.

Synopsis: Phoebe tries to help a young man, Eric, to save his father when she discovers that knowledge stealing warlocks are after him. Prue and Piper cast a spell to find out if Dan and Jack are warlocks allowing them to hear everyone’s thoughts.

The simplicity and intrigue of this episodes plot is what makes it such a good one. Warlocks need information that a father and son have in their heads. The Akashic Records add an element of mythology to a pretty modern one. Though the warlocks loked a little silly, they were a great twist to the regular warlocks we were used to.

Prue and Piper made such a fun pair when they were thrown together. This is the episode when that really became apparent to me. The hearing thoughts spell was such a simple, yet effective idea, and was so entertaining I’m surprised that the writers didn’t feature it in later episodes in a cheap way to create some sort of plot to fill space. I loved how well is fell into place with their plan to kill the warlocks.

I loved watching Prue and Jack’s relationship grow. Prue shows such a different side to her during season 2, and Jack really made this new persona so apparent. Phoebe and Eric were a pretty dull couple. I’m all for Misha Collins, but here he was kind of annoying.


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