Charmed 2.22 'Be Careful What You Witch For'

As a season finale’ Be Careful What You Witch For’ doesn’t work as well as the previous finale ’Deja Vu All Over Again’. Still, it ties up a lot of loose ends and gives us a great starting point for the following season, with some fun moments along the way.

Synopsis: After a genie is sent to them, the girls are tricked into asking for three wishes. Prue wished to be excited by love again, but ends up as a 17 year old, Piper wishes for Dan to move on with his life but he ends up aging rapidly and Phoebe wishes for an active power, but gets one that is stolen from a warlock.

The idea of a genie would have probably worked far better as a normal episode in the middle of a season, rather than as a finale. Still, he was a fun character (maybe someone who could have fallen under the ‘ask to return’ category?) and I liked seeing him change in the end.

The warlock is an example of a ridiculous nemesis. A dragon warlock is a bad idea on paper, AND in execution. This was probably thrown into the mix just to allow a reason for Phoebe to fly which, yeah I’ll admit, was fun to watch but isn’t enough of a reason to make up something as stupid as this.

I felt sorry for Dan again here. Once again he’s caught up in Piper’s crazy life, and it’s something he really didn’t deserve. Being a complete bore isn’t grounds for such a punishment unfortunately. I’m glad he wasn’t given a lot of time here though, he really needed to just slip out quietly, which is just what he did.

Prue’s death was a great way to add a little drama to an otherwise light hearted episode. While seeing the girls distraught over her death gets to me like it does every time, I don’t know if it worked properly here.

Despite not being as great a finale as you’d expect from such a great season, it set things up nicely for the following season, and ties up a lot of loose ends.


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