Charmed 3.13 'Bride and Gloom'

What makes this episode so fantastic is that it turns all three sisters to the dark side in the same episode, something that previously had only happened to one at a time.

Synopsis: When a warlock kidnaps Prue and marries her in a dark marriage to steal the Book of Shadows he is double-crossed. Piper and Phoebe begin to turn evil with Prue and the book, and wreak havoc with their new powers.

Turning all three of the Charmed Ones evil spoils us a little. While we don’t see much of Prue (Maybe Shannen needed time to prepare for directing next week’s episode), seeing Piper and Phoebe with their new powers is a real treat. Once scene I enjoyed watching is Piper and the wedding planners. There’s a serious side too, when they end up killing Leo. Piper realising what she might have done is very sad to watch.

I like that Prue isn't the type to settle for someone dull and boring. She knows what she wants and she isn't afraid to wait around for it. Another reason why she is the best sister this season.

Cole returns after a lengthy hiatus appearing in ‘Kill It Before It Dies’ (Very nice touch by the way). It was great seeing Phoebe find it difficult to control herself around him. Her trying to force herself on Cole and bring Belthazor out is very entertaining though, really stands out as a great Phoebe moment.


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