Charmed 3.18 'Sin Francisco'

This is the best example of how Charmed could really balance the humour of its situations (they are running around fighting demons after all) with the all too seriousness of its fatal consequences. ‘Sin Francisco’ is up there as one of the funniest in the series and one of the best episodes of the season.

Synopsis: A demon infects Leo and the sisters with 4 of the deadly 7 sins.

There are so many reasons to love this episode. It’s actually remarkably funny, and it manages to hold a candle to some other shows that do humour far often, (and usually far better) than Charmed, Gilmore Girls for example.

Obviously making each sin play on the sisters’ flaws was a stroke of brilliance, Prue and Phoebe in particular. This season it really became apparent that Prue was had become the cockiest of the three Charmed Ones, and here no attempt is made to hide it.

Phoebe was always the ‘freest’ of the three girls, and giving her lust just made the episode even funnier. I loved how she was able to turn her harassment around to pass her degree.

Piper’s sin only plays on something introduced this episode. Even though it wasn’t mentioned previously, it never felt random since a lot of newlyweds end of in situations when one wants to do everything for the other.

The episode had a lot of fun up until the final 10 minutes when their sins finally started to cause them harm. A lot of shows find it difficult to find a good balance between the two, but here it was great. They managed to turn such a hilarious situation into quite a heavy one quite quickly but not in a way that it seems ridiculous. You almost instantly forget about the sins involved once the girls are in danger, dramatically changing the tone of the episode.

‘Sin Francisco’ is another strong episode and another reason why season 3 is the best of the lot.


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