Ringer 1.12 'What Are You Doing Here, Ho-Bag?'

While watching ‘Ringer’ this week, I noticed that it's plainly obvious that the writers are really trying to move things along. Obviously, the series has a major amount of mystery to sift through, but in the past few weeks the timing and pacing of all of the big reveals have been spot on, I just wish that something could be done about the little things that are really dragging the series down.

In ‘What Are You Doing Here, Ho-Bag’, Siobhan convinces Henry to meet her, despite his objections. Bridget finds herself getting deeper and deeper into the mystery of Siobhan’s life. When a video supposedly proves Mr Carpenter’s innocence, Juliet faces the wrath of her mother, Catherine.

I’ve always been someone who likes to give a series the chance to hit us unexpectedly, and given how forcibly strange ‘Ringer’ was during its first few episodes, I’m glad to see some semblance of a plan starting to show fruition, particularly with who’s being let in on the big charade. This week’s game-changing ending finally shook that nagging feeling that us as viewers are the only ones who aren’t oblivious as to what’s going on in front of everyone’s eyes.

Henry’s involvement in Siobhan’s side of things could prove very interesting in the coming weeks; it’s a shame her role was so reduced in the first part of the season. Siobhan’s relocation to New York has proven very successful, and while it didn’t have a whole lot of payoff last week, the crazily exciting run-ins between each of the sisters have made all of the Paris interludes worth while.

While mystery wise things have improved drastically, the side plots, like Juliet’s rape plot, continue to bug in a major way. Thankfully the welcome addition of delightful mess Catherine provided an extra bit of ridiculousness that I enjoyed a lot more than I should have. Though I’d much rather see more of the juicy twin drama, I’m glad to see this incredibly faux plot get some sort of colour.

Agent Machado, one of the worst Agents I’ve ever seen on television, has been wart on ‘Ringer’s face for a while. His scenes are intrusive, tedious, and incredibly boring. Not to mention his investigatory skills are pretty weak, he seems to get handed his case breaking clues by pedestrians (who leaves a fake passport at the top of an open trash bin anyway?!  Christ).  While Siobhan’s near miss was pretty fun, his presence on the series has been much more of a hindrance than a help, which is particularly worrying for a series that’s been struggling to hold viewers attention.

I’m delighted that things have picked up steam, but the writers should start cleaning house and hit the fast forward button, because I’m not gonna be pleased when things are even more complicated at the end of the year than they need to be, when ‘Ringer’ is expectedly cancelled.*


*0.5 18-49 rating this week. In other words: abysmal =(


  1. Great review. I agree about the minor elements of interest, surrounded by weak motivations. And I loved the bit you wrote about the passport -- it's things like that that are just so lazily thrown together.

    And those ratings are indeed terrible. The numbers weren't so bad at the end of 2011 (not good, but not immediately cancel-worthy), but a 0.5 makes this show dead in the water. Sarah deserved better for her big comeback series.

    1. Agreed, I wanted her big return to be something worth the attention. Now it's been slightly tarnished by becoming associated with an under performing, poorly written series. A wasted opportunity if there ever was one.

  2. The passport! Good lord Panda that nearly blinded me in its stupidity!
    Indeed Max it's so sad this was Sarah's comeback series. Here's hoping she finds herself on HBO or some respectable channel that puts her on a mindblowing show that will be worthy of her talents!

    1. Didn't she have some HBO series at some point, that didn't make it to air?

      I'd love to see her in a role, now bear with me on this, like Wilhelmina Slater. The sort of big villain/main antagonist, but a woman who still has some sort of heart to her.

  3. Even by CW standards, those ratings are horrible. At the same time, I would really like them to increase, and for the show to secure a renewal. It may be unlikely, I can't imagine that cast is cheap. I'm not that invested in Ringer, although it has been reliably entertaining since the pilot. I don't live it, I didn't think about it during the two month hiatus, but it is so easy to watch and Gellar needs to be on my tv screen. I want the show to survive solely because of her, and I really don't want her return to tv to end so quickly, unless we know for sure she'll sign onto a juicy lead/supporting role on some cable show.

    Loved all the insanity this episode - Tessa showing up accusing Mr. Carpenter of rape (I had completely forgotten about this character, and even thought it was Juliet's friend that got super drunk for a while), her mother burning the baby pictures, anything twin related. AND...Gellar's side eye at the beginning of the episode, I think when they left Bridget alone in the apartment. Heh.

    Nice review! Really hoping the ratings pick up, though.

  4. Agreed, we need to see her o our screens somehow. That hiatus was far too long.
