Charmed 4.05 'Size Matters'

‘Size Matters’ is really given a hard time. I don’t believe it’s as bad as a lot of people to make it out to be. It’s actually one of the most original episodes of the season, even the series and is actually quite darker than some others.

Synopsis: The sisters are shrunk after a demon that shrinks women to create a figurine collection captures them. Piper tries to reinvent P3.

This episode is a great example of something totally silly, turned into something totally great. It’s brilliant how  an idea that would obviously lend itself to a humorous episode so easily, is actually one of the creepiest of the series, which may be down to the seriously disturbing way the demon kills his victims and the great portrayal of an eerie demon by guest star Robert Englund.

Piper trying to change the club is a nice sub plot here. When something terrible happens a lot of people try to change things to help move on and start over. This episode shows just how important this is and also what a bad idea it can be too. I really loved the ending of this one, when Leo healed the P3 sign. It was the first time I felt that the new set of sisters started to LOOK like sisters, it was really sweet.

The show is really doing a great job of introducing the newest addition to the show too, taking their time to allow the audience to adjust to such a huge change, but not over shadowing the massive loss to the series either.

The girls are really starting to flow a lot easier now. Piper is the cautious older sister, Phoebe the understanding middle child, and Paige, the brave younger one. Obviously they start to change after a while and adopt different roles, but in these early episodes, making sure this is obvious is quite important. I love Piper and Paige's little tiff; it's similar to the same relationship between Prue and Phoebe back in season one. I started to like Piper quite a bit around this point in the season.


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