The Secret Circle 1.11 'Fire/Ice'

After the slight disappointment of ‘Darkness’, I approached ‘Fire/Ice’ with some disdain, and majorly adjusted my expectations versus what they were this time last week. Thankfully, the forward momentum that was lost has in some ways been regained, if only the series could be given a push in the right direction.

Faye, jealous of Cassie’s newfound solo magic, asks Lee to help her ‘borrow’ it, to have some fun with it in ‘Fire/Ice’ but her spell has major repercussions for the circle. Diana, Melissa and Cassie attend the Fire and Ice dance together, but Diana is upset to see Cassie and Adam’s connection growing.

With a number of major occurrences, ‘Fire/Ice’ has started to propel ‘The Secret Circle’ forward. With mythology finally being revealed, and the downward trajectory of the Cassie/Adam romance coming to a head somewhat, it seems the writers have finally stopped teasing us within an inch of our lives, and started to give us what we’ve been wanting all along.

Faye’s power hungry attitude was bound to cause some sort of rift between her and the circle, especially when it not only hurts them, but a lot of innocent people in the process. Honestly, I’m starting to doubt Faye’s blood relation to Blackwell. Mostly because I think her jealousy is far more entertaining; the mayhem she caused at the dance escalated so brilliantly. Plus she’ll probably blow up when it turns out that someone else has dark magic in them too; my money’s on Melissa at this point.

It’s interesting seeing the writers starting to explore the other dynamics in the circle, especially between Melissa and Diana who haven’t really interacted much at all. In ‘Fire/Ice’ we were told about their shared friendship when they were younger, something that felt slightly staged, but fascinating none the less. I’m curious to see where these new bonds will go, especially with Melissa’s reaffirmed loyalty to the circle tearing her and Faye apart.

The shock of Jake’s return was pretty non-existent. Didn’t we know about it last week anyway? Even his rescue of Cassie and Melissa wasn’t even that much of a mystery, who else in Chance Harbour wears boots like that? Huh. His return came at the most opportune time so as to really throw a wrench and Adam’s decision to finally go for it with Cassie, so I guess the biggest part of the cliff-hanger was what he saw versus Cassie and Adam’s surprise.

The magic, and the crazy factor were upped majorly, and I’m glad to see the series get a move on and start to reveal more about the mysterious history of Chance Harbour. Hopefully next week’s exploration of the boat incident is more fruitful than Cassie’s lacklustre investigations so far this season.


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